Benefits of Acupuncture during Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings a great feeling to a woman, but it also requires her to be resilient against all those symptoms related to it. As pregnancy is a normal physiological process, pregnancy associated symptoms like morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, back pains, constipation, heart burn, and swelling of the limbs are part of it and shouldn’t make women worried. Undoubtedly, it would be extremely good if she had all these problems reduced or alleviated completely. Acupuncture during pregnancy is a safe and effective technique to alleviate all the pregnancy associated symptoms that a woman has to endure.Acupuncture during pregnancy also serves as an effective remedy against some of the more complex and worrisome problems during pregnancy. It can stop bleeding, prevents the likelihood of a miscarriage, and can help small for age babies grow to their normal potential in the uterus, thus making them more viable.
Acupuncture during pregnancy also has its role in preventing pregnancy related hypertension and preventing complications like eclampsia and many others. Acupuncture helps women adapt to the new demands of being a mother. It has a potent role in helping a mother recover from the challenges pregnancy and childbirth pose to her. It effectively treats mastitis and sets right the mother’s milk supply. It also helps with re-initiating a woman’s menstrual cycle, thus keeping her fertile for future pregnancies.
It is important to know when to opt for acupuncture during pregnancy. If you are having specific health issues prior to getting pregnant, it would be wise to consult an experienced acupuncturist as soon as you get pregnant. Its effectiveness is related to how early you start. So, if you see blood spots or feel abdominal cramps, acupuncture at the early stages might be more helpful in preventing harm to your baby than would be an ultrasound.
Benefits Of Acupuncture During Pregnancy
If you are going through a healthy and streamlined period of gestation, you might not need acupuncture during early pregnancy. Wait until the final few weeks of your pregnancy commence. In the final two weeks, one or two sessions of acupuncture would prepare your body for labor and safe delivery of your child.For a pregnant woman who works or keeps house and has several people to care for at home, a few sessions of acupuncture during pregnancy would boost her energy and ease the demands of her pregnancy. It would make her feel pleasant in her daily life.
Benefits Of Acupuncture During Pregnancy :
Pregnancy also has some psychological implications on the mother putting her into stress, anxiety, and making her prone to binge eating and eating comfort food. Acupuncture provides a woman with calmness and lightness. Coupled with controlling anxiety and related dietary issues, acupuncture also serves as an adjunct to weight loss post-pregnancy in a woman. Some of the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy include these:
During the first trimester it helps lay a healthy foundation for the baby.Alleviates morning sickness and fatigue.Prevents miscarriagesDeals with symptoms during second and third pregnancy trimesters.Prepares a mother for labor.Helps her recover after a pregnancy.